Hunter Cole

Lakeside, CA

Hunter Cole was born and raised in the state of California. His current location is the Lakeside area. After attempting to train his French bulldog, Zeus, on his own, he realized he needed professional help. He found LDTT and everything changed.

“I first fell in love with dog training when I saw how fast dogs can learn new skills. I also had an aggressive weimaraner/pit bull mix when I was younger, who desperately needed training. As a 15-year-old kid, I tried to train her myself, with no experience whatsoever. Today I choose to train with LDTT because we work with any and all temperaments and breeds, and now I can make a difference in not only dogs, but owner’s lives as well.”

Hunter’s goals are to continue to make a difference in the lives of dogs and their owners while also keeping up with his time in the gym, both for physical and mental health.

While he’s not training dogs, Hunter enjoys hanging out with Zeus, working out, listening to music, and spending time with his family.